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Get New Supply Lines in Fast with the Plastic Pipe Splitter Tool

When you're replacing old supply lines, the process can seem to drag on forever. But if those old supply lines are plastic pipe, you may have options that make it easier than ever to get those old lines out of [...]


What's the Difference Between the Two Service Line Puller Kits?

At New Concept Tools, we get a lot of questions about our Service Line Puller Kits. However, the most common question we receive is whether the kits are interchangeable. Because service lines tend to be [...]


Why Using a Solid Hydrant Setter Makes Better Sense on the Job

When you're installing a hydrant, you're not only dealing with a heavy fixture, but also one that is expensive and dangerous if not handled correctly. Despite this risk, countless water utility crews are put [...]


Get Your Water Utility Prepared for Storm Seasons with These Waterworks Tools

You've been in the water utility industry long enough to know the routine. As soon as storm season hits, everything goes crazy. Snowplows take out your hydrants. You're repairing a broken water main when you [...]


What are the Tools You Need for Hydrant Maintenance for Winter?

Hydrant maintenance: it's a term that will have even the most seasoned water utility worker sighing, ready for the task to be done. Many water utilities still rely on a range of old-fashioned, [...]


How the Service Line Puller Kit Could Help With the New Jersey Water Problem

The Flint water crisis is not far behind us, with significant changes still happening in the water utility industry. Now, Newark, New Jersey is facing similar problems. Water utilities across the country are [...]


How to Identify Lead-Free Certification Marks for Drinking Water & Plumbing Products

Following the headline news about the Flint water crisis, where lead from the supply lines leached into the city water when it switched its supply source, ensuring that lead levels are reduced or eliminated in [...]


How to Incorporate Hydrant Flushing with Regular Maintenance and Upgrades

With spring in the air, it's time to flush your hydrants. But why not incorporate other tasks in the process as well, such as repairs, maintenance and upgrades, so that your crew only has to be sent to that [...]


Finding the Right Waterworks Industry Tool for the Job in the Field

When you work in the water utility industry, there are any number of tools that you put to use on a daily basis. But how many of them are really designed for the job and how many are simply good enough to [...]


Winter Prep Items From NCT and Why You Need Them

When winter's biting at the door and you're dealing with problems in your water utility, it's not the time to discover that you don't have what you need to fix the problem. Fortunately, there are a wide range [...]